Northern Lights Main
Directions Merchants Competition Categories Entry Forms Judging Criteria Helpful Documents Rules Results&Papers Papers 2010 Papers 2009 Photos Results Archive Northern Lights Registration Pre-Registrations for both Entrants or Non-Entrants should be sent to: Lord Robert Toxophilus Robert Goodrich 389 Voghell Road Randolph, Vermont 05060 802-728-5719 Email preferred. registration@scanorthernlights.org Entrants' Contacts Research Papers, Reports, Written Prose or Poetry to: Pentathalon Coordinator Lord Tiberius Iulius Rufus ( Jason Di Giulio ) PO Box 471, Sheffield, VT 05866 Email preferred. pentathlon@scanorthernlights.org Autocrats Lord Tiberius See contact information above, Lady Allyson Knutcrusher autocrat@scanorthernlights.org |
A Warm Welcome, Gracious Lords and Ladies, and Greetings.Welcome to the website for Northern Lights XIX, to be held in early Winter in a small mountain town in the Shire of Panthervale. (North-Central Vermont, USA) ![]() The Northern Lights Competition is a chance for gentles to display their wonderful talents in the fields of the Arts and Sciences. Come and share those projects you have been working on during the cold winter months. Gentles can enter into the competition or simply attend to peruse the variety of exhibits, competition entries, talk to old friends, and make a few new ones. Celebrate the coming of the Solstice with us as we welcome the artisans and scientists of the East as they compete in Northern Lights! Northern Lights XIX
A Message from The Competition Coordinator
Time & Location - Northern Lights XIX will be held on 4 December in the Shire of Panther Vale (Vermont). Christ Church, a stone edifice in Vermont’s capital city, Montpelier, will host the event. While some may be concerned about driving in Vermont in the snowy times, the site is adjacent to the highway and easy to find. ![]() Judging/Judges - As always I humbly request judges/gentles who are willing and able to judge contact me.pentathlon@scanorthernlights.org or the address in the side bar. If I do not approach you personally and you feel you or someone you know might be a good judge for a category(ies), PLEASE contact me. You do not have to be a companion of the Laurel or the Maunche to judge, just have a measure of knowledge of the category to be judged and the ability to make constructive comments. Competition Format -- Northern Lights XIX will have a modified open arena-judging format, with a note that judges who are not comfortable with this format can approach me individually to allow accommodations. Due to the time consuming nature of this format artisans are limited to a maximum of one entry in costuming categories and two entries in all other categories. In addition, entrants will be required to be with their entries from 12:00 - 2:00 to answer questions (except as needed for performances). The competition will be open to respectful non-participants throughout the judging. Judges, spectators, and participants are encouraged to bring small personal tokens to present to the entrants whose works they most admire. Award Medallions -- I am looking for proposals to create the tokens to be awarded to the first, second, and/or third place winners of the overall Pentathlon. Contact me before October 8, 2010 to submit a proposal. It is also our goal to provide handouts, research tools, and links to helpful websites on this page. If you'd like to have a handout or link posted, please feel free to e-mail them to pentathlon@scanorthernlights.org. We hope to see you at Northern Lights XIX !
Yours in Service,
Many Fine Artisans show their work at Northern Lights, but a few special artists also donate some of their work. Please view some of the illuminated awards that were donated last year, drawn by Lady Raistlin the Quiet, Mistress Allistrina de Mann and Lord Ouzel Von Schwartz Wolfe.
Competition Details
Deadlines: Send written works to: Lord Tiberius pentathlon@scanorthernlights.org (mailing address below). Registration forms are online at www.scanorthernlights.org. Schedule for the Day.
To Receive Scores and Comments: Bring a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the registration table with at least $2 of postage if you enter five or more items to accommodate the cost of mailing all of the score sheets. Follow this link to the page of forms for your Competitors' Entry Form. Event Fee: Contact Information Amenities: We have room available should your Guild or group wish to hold a meeting, or should anyone wish to offer a class; teachers, demonstrators and organizers should contact us. Pentathlon Entrants: Parents: Food: There is no feast, but a delicious and hearty day board. Northern Lights Dayboard 2010 Venue / Directions to Northern Lights:
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The Northern Lights Arts and Sciences Competition is held every year in the Northern Region of the the East Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism. |
Illustrated N from St. Augustine, De Civitatae Dei, ca 1175, Hs24, f.63. "Socrates teaching Plato to count" colored by A.M. using Fireworks Web site Design, coding and graphics by Alaxandr MacLochLoinn send me a note ... Alaxandar an Chobhlaigh mac Lochloinn, ( alaxandr@mountainfreehold.org ) |
© 2004-2010 Northern Lights Arts and Sciences Competitions. all rights reserved except where explicitly noted. Last updated: Saturday, November 06, 2010 The privacy policy can be viewed here. |