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Northern Lights Registration
Pre-Registrations for both Entrants or Non-Entrants should be sent to:
Lord Robert Toxophilus
Robert Goodrich
389 Voghell Road
Randolph, Vermont 05060
Email preferred.
Entrants' Contacts
Research Papers, Reports, Written Prose or Poetry to:
Pentathalon Coordinator
Lord Tiberius Iulius Rufus
( Jason Di Giulio )
PO Box 471,
Sheffield, VT 05866
Email preferred.
Lord Tiberius
See contact information above,
Lady Allyson Knutcrusher
in the reign of Andreas Eisfalke and Isabella of York, AS XXXV ...
Northern Lights 10 held at Warren Town School on the 24 day of March, 2001 in the Shire of Panther Vale.
Pent Coordinator: Kuria Margarita Kofinopoia (aka Lady Maggie basketmaker)
Autocrat: Lady Isabella Alycia Machaut de Valois
Feast Prepared/Coordinated by: Lady Eleanor Kendall
Grand Pent Winners:
17 were the number who strove for mastery of many categories. Again the judges labored mightily and brought us those who have demonstrated surpassing skills in no less (and frequently more) than 5 of the categories listed above
1st place - Lady Elizabeth of Rivenstar (due to an error Lady Elizabeth was not recognized at the event)
2nd Place - Mistress Elena Rueda vinda de Lochcarron
3rd Place - Ulf Thorfinnsson
On the 24th day of March in the snowy Shire of Panther Vale many artisans gathered together to share their gifts. The judges labored mightily and thus the following artisans are recognized for their outstanding efforts. Awards were not presented for categories that only contained a single item so that entrants could re-enter that category if they choose. However, they still deserve the recognition for their work and so you will find them listed but noted as single-entries.
Category Winners
- 1. Costuming, pre-1000 - single entry: Brynn Eilionoir nic Neachdainn - 7th c. Dalmatica
- 2. Costuming, 1000-1300: Mistress Elena Rueda vinda de Lochcarron - Romanesque Gown, embroidered
- 3. Costuming, 1300-End of Period: Ysabeau de St. Wanderielle - Embroidered Hood
- 4. Costuming for Combat: Kamilla van Anderlecht - Quilted Arming Coat
- 5. Accessories: Ysabeau de St. Wanderielle - Embroidered Hood
- 6. Embroidery: Ysabeau de St. Wanderielle - Embroidered Hood
- 7. Beadwork: Mistress Elena Rueda vinda de Lochcarron - 12th c. Beaded Cuffs
- 8. Non-woven Fabric Construction (sprang, knitting, felting, etc.): Rowan ni Ruari - knitted purse
- 9. Weaving: Anne Liese Wolkenhaar - Diamond twill weave linen towel
- 10. Spinning: No entries.
- 11. Dyeing: Lady Elizabeth of Rivenstar - Japanese Dofuku with Shibori
- 12. Leatherwork: Mutsura Ishido - Japanese Rawhid
- 13. Woodwork: Ulf Thorfinnson - Germanic Round lyre
- 14. Functional Metalwork: Lady Randall vihar Farkas - Pewter sling missiles
- 15. Armor & Weapons: Max Gunn - Trebuchet
- 16. Jewelry: Moira MacDonald - Wire weave necklace
- 17. Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, and Carving: Tie between Sonia de la Bosque - Tarot cards; and Laksmi Amman (due to a duplicate item number this award was presented to another at the event, my apologies) - carved block for textile printing
- 18. Calligraphy: Kerry De la Pointe - English Miniature Scroll
- 19. Illumination: Kerry De la Pointe - English Miniature Scroll
- 20. Heraldry: Rowan Elfthane - Illuminated Leather Belt decoration
- 21. Cooking: Mistress Elena Rueda vinda de Lochcarron - Torta Bianca
- 22. Brewing: Lord Robert fitz Thomas - Ale (second runnings experiment)
- 23. Vinting: Donal O'Conghaile - Black Currant Mead
- 24. Cordials - single entry: Donal O'Conghaile - Cassis cordial
- 25. Herbology: Lady Randall vihar Farkas - Pea seeds/peas
- 26. Musical Performance (Period Style): Ulf Thorfinnsson - Germanic Round lyre performance
- 27. Musical Performance (Filk) - single entry: Sir Andre' de Foucault - Period tunic filk performance
- 28. Storytelling and Drama - Single entry: Alexandre Lerot d'Avigne with Lorree True - Scene from Henry IV, Part 1
- 29. Dance: Lady Laksmi Amman - Indian Dance named "Natasha Katavum" with sung slokum
- 30. Poetry - Performance: single entrant too busy judging to make performance time (thank you Camma an Daraich)
- 31. Other Performing Arts: Lady Idhunna Thorleiksdottir - 15th c. plaster face casting technique
- 32. Musical Composition - There were no entries in this category
- 33. Research Papers: Tie between Aethelstan Osricsone - The Knights of St. John; and Lady Laksmi Amman - Understanding Hindu Temple Dance
- 34. Prose: Lady Randall vihar Farkas - "The Ballad of Allyn"
- 35. Humor - single entry: Alexandre Lerot d'Avigne - Episodic Satire "The Sporadic Verses"
- 36. Poetry - written: Lady Randall vihar Farkas - Anglo Saxon Style Poem "A Danish Duke"
- 37. Period Science: Miklos Sandorfia - `Se il Cavallo è Gagliardo' Connections between Horsemanship and Dance in 16th-century Italy
- 38. Lighting Devices - single entry: Camma an Daraich - Soapstone lamp
- 39. Miscellaneous: Lady Brianna McBain - A Medieval Garden