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Northern Lights Registration
Pre-Registrations for both Entrants
or Non-Entrants should be sent to:

Lord Robert Toxophilus
Robert Goodrich
389 Voghell Road
Randolph, Vermont 05060
Email preferred.

Entrants' Contacts

Research Papers, Reports,
Written Prose or Poetry to:
Pentathalon Coordinator

Lord Tiberius Iulius Rufus
( Jason Di Giulio )
PO Box 471,
Sheffield, VT 05866
Email preferred.

Lord Tiberius
See contact information above,
Lady Allyson Knutcrusher

in the reign of Balfar & Luna IV ...

Artisans, judges, scribes and others gathered for the thirteenth annual Northern Lights Arts & Sciences Pentathlon, celebrated March 27, 2004 AS 38.

There were 23 entrants with 80 items entered in 32 categories.

Both entrants and the populace participated in informal voting to select the entrants they liked best. The populace's choice was a tie between Turlough O'Rourke with his "The Three Graces" a copy of a portion of "La Primavera," by Sandro Botticelli and Pergrine the Illuminator with his Portolon chart (map) of the Midrealm done in a ca. 1525 Italy/Portugal style. The entrants' choice was Pergrine the Illuminator with his Portolon chart (map) of the Midrealm done in a ca. 1525 Italy/Portugal style

The overall winners of the Pentathlon were:

Oksana Goncharova in 1st place with 47.2 out of 50 points;
Baroness Rainillt Leia de Bello Marisco in 2nd place with 47 out of 50 points; and
Brynn Eilionoir nic Neachdainn in 3rd place with 45.7 out of 50 points.

Category Winners

  • 1. Brynn Eilionoir nic Neachdainn won Pre-1000 Costuming with an 8th c. Byzantine Tunic
  • 2. Lady Adelaide Donnachaidh won Costuming 1000-1300 with red Chinese Court Robes and black hat from 1250-1279 Southern Sung China
  • 3. Mathilde of Nordskogen won Costuming 1300-1500 with a 1380 French/English fitted gown of red lined with blue linen
  • 4. Baroness Rainillt Leia de Bello Marisco won 1500 to end of period Costuming with a gold and white embroidered shirt
  • 6. Baroness Rainillt Leia de Bello Marisco won Accessories with a pattern darned Mamluk Tika
  • 7. Baroness Rainillt Leia de Bello Marisco won Counted Embroidery with the gold and white embroidered shirt
  • 8. Brynn Eilionoir nic Neachdainn won non-Counted Embroidery with a 14th c. embroidered mantle and liripipe
  • 9. Brynn Eilionoir nic Neachdainn was the single entrant in Beadwork with an 8th c. Byzantine tunic
  • 10. Eleanor atte Knolle won Non-Woven Fabric Construction with the fingerloop braiding on a appliqued green pillow
  • 11. Alistrini de Mann won Weaving with a 10th c. 2-1 Linen Twill
  • 13. Roxane Farabi Shahzadeh was the single entrant in Dyeing with hand dyed scarves
  • 18. Omelan was the single entrant in Weapons with English style war arrows
  • 19. Toki Redbeard won Jewelry with a 9th c. Viking necklace
  • 20. Turlogh O'Rourke won Drawing & Painting with "The Three Graces" a copy of a portion of "La Primavera," by Sandro Botticelli
  • 23. Oksana Goncharova was the single entrant in Illumination with a gilded Russian illumination
  • 24. Oksana Goncharova won Heraldry with Heraldic pottery tiles
  • 25. Lady Adelaide Donnachaidh won Cooking with General Li's Chicken
  • 26. Lady Elizabet Marshall won Herbalism with a selection of Feverfew preparations
  • 27. Toki Redbeard won Humor with the written filk song "Bjorny-Joe and Fritha Sue"
  • 29. Peregrine the Illuminator won Period Science with Portolon chart (map) of the Midrealm done in a ca. 1525 Italy/Portugal style
  • 30. Oksana Goncharova won Household Goods with heraldic tiles
  • 31. Mathilde of Nordskogen was the single entrant in Miscellaneous with a circa 1380 hairstyle
  • 33. Mathilde of Nordskogen was the single entrant in Vinting (Meads) Mead flavored with toasted oak chips
  • 34. Baroness Ardenia Aruadh was the single entrant in Cordials with a Mulsum/honeyed, spiced wine
  • 35. Voci Dissonati won Period Style Musical Performance with the group vocal performance of an excerpt from the "Divinarum Laudum" by Gregor Aichinger
  • 36. Toki Redbeard was the single entrant in Filk Musical Performance with "It's a Small Fjord"
  • 37. Toki Redbeard was the single entrant in Storytelling & Drama with an excerpt from the saga "Tale of Valgard"
  • 38. Baroness Ardenia Aruadh was the single entrant in Dance with a middle eastern dance
  • 39. Toki Redbeard won Poetry Performance with an Icelandic Court Poem
  • 42. Baroness Rainillt Leia de Bello Marisco won Research Papers (more than 8 pages of text) with her paper on the men's pleatword embroidered shirt
  • 43. Baroness Rainillt Leia de Bello Marisco won Research Reports (8 or less pages of text) with her report on her pleatwork embroidered apron
  • 45. Toki Redbeard won Written Poetry with Icelandic Court Poem "Verse in Honor of Maggie's Vigil"

There were no entries in 5. Costuming for Combat, 12. Spinning, 14. Leather Working, 15. Woodworking, 16. Functional Metalwork, 17. Armor, 21. Sculpture & Carving, 22. Calligraphy, 28. Lighting Device, 32. Brewing, 40. Other Performing Arts, 41. Musical Composition, and 44. Written Prose.

[ TOP ]
The Northern Lights Arts and Sciences Competition is held every year
in the Northern Region of the the East Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism.

Illustrated N from St. Augustine, De Civitatae Dei, ca 1175, Hs24, f.63.
"Socrates teaching Plato to count"
colored by A.M. using Fireworks
Web site Design, coding and graphics by Alaxandr MacLochLoinn
send me a note ... Alaxandar an Chobhlaigh mac Lochloinn, ( )
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all rights reserved except where explicitly noted.
Last updated: Tuesday, September 28, 2010
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